Sezione Poster

Poster presentati dagli associati ISPLAD al WCD2019

Lucia Brambilla

Lucia Brambilla

Resp. Regionale Lombardia ISPLAD

Treatment with Paclitaxel in Kaposi’s sarcoma non-HIV related

Lucia Brambilla, Athanasia Tourlaki
U.O. Dermatologia, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda – Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milano, Italy.

Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is a rare angioproliferative neoplasm caused by human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8). Chemotherapy is the cornerstone for the management of non-HIV KS, but there are no standard treatment guidelines.

Paclitaxel has recently been approved for AIDS-related KS, but there is limited research on HIV-negative cases.

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Bone involvement in classic Kaposi’s sarcoma

Athanasia Tourlaki, Lucia Brambilla
U.O. Dermatologia, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda – Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milano, Italy.

Classic Kaposi’s sarcoma (cKS) is a rare vascular proliferative disorder which typically occurs on the lower extremities of immuno-competent elderly men. Bone involvement in cKS has been exceptionally reported.

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Ultrasonographic intraoperative monioring and follow-up of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Nodules Under Treatment With Intralesional Vincristine

Giovanni Genovese, Gianluca Nazzaro, Athanasia Tourlaki, Emanuela Passoni, Emilio Berti, Lucia Brambilla

Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is a rare, low-grade vascular tumor associated with human herpesvirus type 8 (HHV8) infection. Histologically, KS lesions are characterized by clusters of spindle-shaped cells and prominent microvasculature with thin-walled and dilated blood vessels…

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Marina Romagnoli

Marina Romagnoli

Segretario Generale ISPLAD


M. Romagnoli, G. Bolciolu, A. De Pasquale, R. Greco, V. La Malfa, G. Listro, F. Negosanti, V.F. Pedrelli, P. Peng, N. Zerbinati, M. Tretti Clementoni.

Istituto Biomedical Spa, Poliambulatorio Dermalaser, San Vincenzo Hospital, Gravina Hospital, Centro Dermatologico Listro, Centro Dermatologico srl, Laserplast, P-Skin Professional Clinic Taiwan, University of Insubria.

Acne scarring is a common disfiguring sequela of acne vulgaris which can lead to serious psychosocial problems and have a negative effect on patients’ quality of life. Different modalities have been used to treat atrophic acne scars including punch excision, dermabrasion, chemical peels, fillers, and traditional ablative and non-ablative lasers, each with varying degrees of success and adverse reactions. Fractional picosecond procedures have been recently proposed as a new different way to treat these kind of scars.

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F. Negosanti, G. Bolciolu, A. De Pasquale, R. Greco, V. La Malfa, G. Listro, V.F. Pedrelli, P. Peng, M. Romagnoli, M. Tretti Clementoni, N. Zerbinati.

Centro Dermatologico srl, Poliambulatorio Dermalaser, San Vincenzo Hospital, Gravina Hospital, Centro Dermatologico Listro, Laserplast, P-Skin Professional Clinic Taiwan, Istituto Biomedical Spa, University of Insubria.

Long-term exposure to sunlight produces visible signs associated with photodamage and aging, including freckles, sun and age spots, wrinkling, solar elastosis, actinic keratosis and skin cancer. Laser toning is one of the most popular strategies to treat facial photopigmentation and aging. Several laser modalities have been used for this indication, including CO2, Er:YAG, fractional non-ablative, QS and new picosecond lasers.

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